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Quick Snips on CIPS A Digital Map to Efficient Category Management - 'The New Normal'

Quick Snips on CIPS A Digital Map to Efficient Category Management - 'The New Normal' Held on June 17, 2021 11:00 BST

Topic: South Wales Webinar: Elephant In The Zoom - A Digital Map to Efficient Category Management - 'The New Normal' #cips #AnkurShah, Senior Manager #GEP Worldwide

For years, Procurement teams have been dependent on traditional ERP and legacy systems for carrying out different functions of category management. However, businesses have started looking beyond traditional ERPs to optimize category mgnt, for ways to increase productivity and help co. grow to the next level.

In the webinar they had looked at:

How category mgnt processes can be transformed using digi solutions to assist org deliver significant biz value.

How tech advancement is helping biz in improving the daily working of category managers.


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